Think you have what it takes to perform at SappyFest XI? Well, now's your chance, so don't screw it up.
We're putting together the first annual Showcase Showdown Show at SappyFest XI and we want to give you a shot to join the ranks of Sappy stardom by performing on our hallowed stages.
The first three (3) artists to submit an application to submissions@sappyfest.com will be accepted into the SappyFest XI Showcase Showdown Show.
What we need from you:
- Artist information so we can confirm you're not a total jabroni.
- MP3 of recorded music so we know you don't sound like a total jabroni.
- Confirmation that you will be available between Friday, July 29 and Sunday, July 31 so you don't flake like a total jabroni.
You are responsible for getting yourself here. We'll have a limited selection of gear available, but you will need to bring your essentials.
If you're in, we'll be in touch. If you're not, move quicker next time.
The Showcase Showdown Show is brought to you by Thunder & Lightning Ideas Ltd.