It seems like we’re never quite finished! As some of our oldest, most inspirational and foundational friends return, as some new friends pay surprise and anticipated visits, we’re thrilled to welcome their legendary songs, their poetic wisdom, their story telling inventions, their sonic instigations, their musical deconstructions, their creative energy to the Sappyfest 14 program. We hope for Sappyfest to be a conversation between everyone willing to share this space in the spirit of goodwill and with open hearts, across disciplines, genres, and forms of expression. We hope you will join us!
Allumette // Annick MacAskill // Apollo Ghosts // Aquakulture // Barnacle
Cursing & Swearing // Danika Vandersteen // Deliluh // Dog Island // Diamondtown
FET.NAT // Flour // Gianna Lauren // Haviah Mighty // Ian Roy // Janowskii
José Contreras // JOYFULTALK // Juice Girls // Julie Aubé // Julie Doiron // Kate Mildew
LAL // Lillia // Liz Brain x Doug // Lo Siento // Marilyn Lerch // Mauno // Motherhood
Nyssa // Papal Visit // Patrick Allaby // Positive Body Language // Short&Sweet
Shotgun Jimmie // Tim Baker // Tryal // WHOOP-Szo
The Weather Station // Yves Jarvis