SappyFest Inc. would like to invite its membership and those interested in becoming members to the 2017 Annual General Meeting at Struts Gallery (7 Lorne Street) on Wednesday, November 29th at 7 PM. This is an open meeting with presentations from staff and board members on the organization's activities, financials, and future. 

The agenda, last year's minutes, current bylaws and the agenda, are available by request.

Key agenda items will include:
-- Elections to the SappyFest Board of Directors (2 year term).
-- Approval of 2016 Financial statements.
-- President of the Board of Directors statement.
-- Questions from the floor.
-- & voting on Amendment to bylaw 8e) “Election of Executive shall take place by secret ballot, at an annual general meeting of SappyFest, Inc.” to 8e) "Election of Board Executive: From time to time, and generally at the first Board Meeting following the Annual General Meeting of SappyFest Inc., the Board shall appoint a President, Vice President, Treasurer and a Secretary. The Board Executive shall, in addition to those prescribed by a by-law, perform such duties as may from time to time be prescribed by the Board. Executive appointments are held for one year."

Hope to see you all there!