The Drama Queenz
"The Drama Queenz," a spirited young drama group of 10 participants aged 9 to 11, made their debut on the main stage of SappyFest in the summer of 2023 with their original musical "A Beep in Time". The Sappy audience enjoyed instant hit songs such as "Let's rob a bank today" , "No substance, all style" and "Humans are Beep". Passionate about drama, music, and performance, these thespian friends bring youthful exuberance and a fresh perspective to the stage creating captivating experiences. "The Drama Queenz" are poised to enchant and inspire in their next original musical, titled “CHIPS, The Musical” representing the dynamic creativity of the next generation.
Folks! We assure you this is a sequel NOT to be missed! The Drama Queenz are the light of our lives!